The Weatherman, Vol. 1 (2024)

GrilledCheeseSamurai (Scott)

634 reviews116 followers

December 4, 2018

I love a good sci-fi action comic as much as the next person...I don't even mind long as its done right. The Weatherman does it right...most of the time. There were a few moments where I felt like the shock value was a tad juvenile - but your mileage may vary.

The art was particular the colors. For a world that is as f*cked up like this would expect a gritty pallet. Not so. This is easily one of the more vibrant colored books of 2018 IMO.

I got lost a few times. Confused. Moments where the story became kind of muddy and I had to backtrack to figure out what was going on. I don't know if that was just a 'me thing' or the result of sloppy storytelling though?

All in all, I enjoyed this. I will definitely be picking up the next arc when it starts coming out this spring. I rated it three starts...but would have preferred giving it 3 and a half if Goodreads would have let me.

*read in singles*

    comics image sci-fi

James DeSantis

Author17 books1,177 followers

March 24, 2019

Story: So the story starts off fun enough. Weather Man Nathan Bright goes on tv every day and makes everyone feel better about their life. Something TERRIBLE happened on earth and throughout the story we get bits and pieces of it to build the backstory. Soon after the end of issue 1 things go bonkers and we got our weather man on the run with another solider but twist and turns keep coming and you can't trust anyone.

Art: It's fantastic. The strongest part about the book for me is the art itself. Vibrant and really well done. From the environments looking lively and colorful to the characters ALL have distinct looks to make them unique. The flow of the action is perfect with a lot of brutality thrown in.

Enjoyment: The pacing is quick and it's NEVER boring. So many twist and turns will keep you turning each page. The fights are explosive and the violence, while sometimes a bit much, is pretty darn f*cked up. I also think the art really makes me enjoy this series even more.

What Didn't Work: Okay, so with the great art and neck-breaking pace, a lot of good is here. However, some of the violence is a bit too much. Like just gruesome for shocking moments. I also think it gets a bit confusing, especially when it introduces more and more characters without giving them time to breath before they act.

Overall, very very fun. The art is great, the pacing is great, and the characters are interesting. If the story keeps going without trying to convoluted it too much and slow down on violent kills, this could be a 5 but for now it's still great. 4 out of 5.

Raquel Estebaran

299 reviews245 followers

March 10, 2023

Mucha violencia, para mí demasiada, y un ritmo frenético en esta novela gráfica sobre un hombre amnésico acusado de un crimen atroz. Me hubiera gustado tener más trasfondo de lo ocurrido en ese "conflicto" en vez de tanta persecución.

Colores vibrantes y buen dibujo. Me ha entretenido, pero de momento no me ha enganchado.

Ed Erwin

1,044 reviews120 followers

June 12, 2019

Ultra-violent, but very intelligent Sci-Fi. Touches on ideas of justice, revenge, vigilantism, mob violence, group identity, terrorism, ..., and has tons of fun while doing it. Snarky unrealistic dialog and bright colors make the violence less disturbing, but it can still be upsetting.

The beginning plot is that a likable jerk who is a popular weatherman may be responsible for a horrible massacre. But he doesn't remember it because his mind was wiped clean. Is it OK to inflict punishing pain on someone who caused great pain but doesn't know he did it? What if he was actually mind-swapped from a different body?

Some heavy ideas, but delivered in a fun story. Also great art and colors. I will totally continue with the next issues.

    comics sf


947 reviews34 followers

November 28, 2018

The Weatherman is a perfect read and to me it is one of the best series of 2018. It grabbed my attention from the very first page, because it was amazing, the whole first issue was amazing and they saved the best issue for last. Absolutely satisfying ending of the first arc. It's has been a f*cked up action-packed, crazy rollercoaster. I have nothing bad to say about this. Fast-paced sci-fi story filled with violence and very likeable characters. Really great storytelling, with nice extraordinary artwork. Can't wait for more!


Jakub Kvíz

311 reviews39 followers

April 10, 2019

The Weatherman was a really nice surprise. Action sci-fi adventure from terraformed Mars with fresh art and colors.

Nathan is a popular weatherman in a world where Earth was destroyed by terrorists and the rest of humanity lives on Mars. Nathan's life is turned upside down when he's accused of being responsible for destroying Earth and killing billions of people. The thing is that he can't remember it and believes he's innocent.

So this is where the crazy adventure starts and I won't spoil the rest of it. The story is crafted in a clever, gripping and entertaining way. The art fits the story perfectly too. I was expecting some crazy sh*t like Shirtless Bear-fighter but this is really different.

The only "bad" thing is that there are like 15 characters and I had a hard time to remember who's who and who's on what side of the conflict but I suppose it will get better later on. I will be deffo back for vol. 2!



2,477 reviews28 followers

March 26, 2019

Interesting story with art that's just a bit on the manic side. It seems that Mars' favorite weatherman, Nathan Bright, is hiding a huge and potentially deadly secret--he just might be the key to stopping murder on a planetary scale. A number of people seem to think he's one of the terrorists behind the worst attack in history, one which killed almost all of Earth's population, but he just wants to be left alone to enjoy his life with his canine companion, Sadie. Lots of potential here, I think, though the art left me a bit cold. So much is happening all the time and it's kind of a mess in places. A couple of characters who look like they stepped out of the pages of East of West (the Marshal, Kade, and White Light). There's enough here to bring me back for a second volume, but I hope it's a step up in terms of the story and more fully-developed characters.


489 reviews22 followers

November 18, 2018

A grimy yet colorful look at a future where the most dangerous terrorist of all time has been tucked away into the body of a fun and cooky weatherman, beloved by everyone. When the truth is revealed and the whole planet turns on him and memories of atrocities past come flooding back, the protagonist has to survive and come to terms with what he did as well as find out why. Although I found the first issues a bit more engaging than the last couple (#5-6 in particular), the mystery is good so far and the art is top-notch so the second volume will be landing high on my "most anticipated" list for 2019. It's high-octane, crazy, and fast-paced, pretty much all I could want from a sci-fi comic.


3,088 reviews

March 31, 2019

I went into this blind. But woah that was fun. Its a mash of alot of different scifi tropes and stories. The expanse came to mind, so did fifth element and there are plentynof others. The art is awesome, the pacing very rapid and before you know it your done. Loved this..cant wait for vol 2.


866 reviews37 followers

March 2, 2019

Hurry up with Volume 2!

Roman Zarichnyi

512 reviews38 followers

May 30, 2022

Сонце світить яскравим і теплим промінням, небо сліпучо блакитне, де-не-де пропливають світлі й маленькі хмари. Одним словом, на Марсі чудовий день і хороша погода. Але чомусь усі бажають нашкодити місцевому синоптику… Давайте розкажу трішки про першу сюжетну арку коміксу «Синоптик» #1–6, написаного в жанрі наукової фантастики, від сценариста Джоді ЛеГеупа та художника Натана Фокса, щоби зрозуміти цю дивну катавасію.

Марс, 2777 рік. У Нейтана Брайта гарне життя, він є синоптиком номер один на терраформованому Марсі. У нього найкраща собака й його чекає побачення з рудою красунею на ім’я Аманда. Він ходить усюди з посмішкою на обличчі та повсякчас жартує, завойовуючи тим усіх, кого зустрічає на своєму шляху. Але в нього амнезія, про яку він нічого не знає. Невідоме минуле Натана повертається. І багато хто тепер бажає убити його, після звинувачення в здійсненні найгіршого терористичного акту в історії людства. Сім років тому третя від Сонця планета була атакована терористичною організацією, відомою як Меч Божий. Використовуючи передову зброю, Меч Божий одним махом знищив усе живе на планеті, заразивши невідомим вірусом. Тепер вона непридатна для життя.

Збентежений, наляканий і погано підготовлений до життя, як найбільш розшукуваного злочинця в галактиці, доля Натана, який навіть не розуміє, чому на нього всі полюють, лежить у руках Аманди Кросс. Вона урядова агентка, якій було доручено займатися його справою. Разом малоймовірному дуету доведеться покладатися один на одного, коли вони прокладають шлях через Сонячну систему в пошуках істини, захованої у втраченій пам’яті Натана. І найголовніше, ключ, щоби зупинити справжнього ворога від здійснення другого нападу, що призведе тепер до вимирання усього на Марсі.

Атмосфера створена Джоді ЛеГеупом мені здалася досить незвичною, але відмінно живою й класною. Історія так і палає маніакальною енергією божевільних тонів із деякими фантастично абсурдними допоміжними персонажами. Звичайно, не вперше я зустрічаю, як дурник (Нейтан) і завзятий (Аманда) герої працювали разом. Але тут ми маємо комікс із космічними мисливцями за головами, божевільними капіталістами та метеорологами, які постійно перебувають у русі й гущі цікавих пригод. І це все відбувається на Марсі й космічних к��раблях без будь-якого права на перепочинок. Шиково!

Завдяки динамічній лінії від Натана Фокса і сміливим кольорам Дейва Стюарта (так, так, і тут той Дейв Стюарт), малюнок має ��іткість, яка ідеально відповідає викривленому й динамічному сюжету комікса. Марс — це світ, сповнений кольорів і текстур. Дряпуча ескізність ліній Фокса лише посилює його життєву силу. Тому слідкувати за всім, що відбувається на червоній планеті вельми цікаво.

Сьогоднішній прогноз передбачає дощові дні та прохолодні ночі, тому потрібно якнайшвидше прочитати другу арку хорошого коміксу «Синоптик». Залишайтеся тут для наступних цікавих прогнозів.



431 reviews

December 26, 2018

One of my favorite reads from 2018.

I picked this one up because the cover was so pretty. The book ended up way crazier than I imagined.
This man did the unspeakable and doesn't remember a thing. The question then becomes, should he still be punished. With it being on a global scale and thousands of lives affected by it, there is more then just one group that is out to get him. Funny, witty, colorful, dark, and just plain sad sometimes, I am very excited to see where vol 2 takes the Weatherman.

Harry Jahnke

308 reviews13 followers

January 21, 2019

I really liked Weatherman in the same way that I liked the new Mad Max movie; I was pleasantly surprised. Only with Mad Max, it was a lack of water that made people turn against each other, in Weatherman it's a lack of closure. The entire Earth went up in a flesh-eating virus flame and now everyone is left to wonder who to blame for this mass genocide. Weatherman blends together generous portions of black comedy, violence, and the darker side of the entire human race and puts it into one beautifully drawn comic.


4 reviews15 followers

January 9, 2020

The plot of this book, is a man named Nathan Bright is framed for the biggest terrorist attack to ever occur, and his only objective is to survive. OH AND ALSO! Do not get attached to any character as most of them eventually die.

Spoilers below:
The prostitute and Agent cross kill multiple characters so do not get attached to anyone.


76 reviews2 followers

April 27, 2019

Beautifully done&an unusual idea for a story.
I'd definitely give volume 2 a go, only marked as 2 stars as it hasn't completely hooked me yet.
If I really like a comic I can't wait to get the next one in the series!



131 reviews

July 31, 2019

This was one of the best graphic novels that I've read in a while. I was invested and bummed when it ended. There was a good mix of graphics, text and formatting. I'm ready for the rest of the series now!

Lukas Holmes

Author2 books22 followers

April 11, 2019

Pretty fun stuff.


1,139 reviews4 followers

August 4, 2019

3.75 Stars. Pretty good, i liked better than i thought i would. Good story & great artwork, although some panels can be a little incoherent. Looking forward to Vol. 2 though.

Kris Ritchie

1,527 reviews15 followers

November 16, 2019

A very strange comic that was reminiscent of Tokyo Ghost, although I couldn't tell ya why.

    comics dystopian graphic-novels-adult

very little book nerd

363 reviews31 followers

March 31, 2021

"The Weatherman" to niezwykle dynamiczny i pełen akcji komiks sci-fi. Głównym bohaterem jest Natan, facet od pogody, który prowadzi zupełnie zwyczajne życie. No, o ile życie na Marsie może być zwyczajne. Ale odkąd prawie cała ludzkość na Ziemi została wymordowana, to właśnie na Czerwonej Planecie zamieszkali ci, którzy przetrwali. Tylko kto stoi za tą katastrofą? No bo przecież nie Natan... prawda?

Sama fabuła jest naprawdę ciekawa, jednak myślę, że bardziej podobałaby mi się w wersji książkowej. Zwyczajnie uważam, że jest zbyt pokręcona, skomplikowana i wielowątkowa, by przedstawiać ją jako komiks. Często się w niej gubiłam i musiałam cofać się o kilka stron, by przypomnieć sobie imię jakiegoś bohatera czy jego wygląd. Gdyby wydać tę historię jako książkę i rozwinąć kilka wątków, byłoby naprawdę genialnie!

Teraz jest niestety dość przeciętnie. Jednak za sam pomysł daję naprawdę sporego plusa. Klimat tej historii również jest świetny. "The Weatherman" to po prostu sci-fi w czystej postaci, pełne elementów futurystycznych, wysoko rozwiniętej technologii i problemów społecznych.

Jeśli chodzi o kreskę - nie mam o niej zdania. Nie jest brzydka, absolutnie, ale nie należy też do grona najładniejszych, z jakimi miałam styczność.

Podsumowując, "The Weatherman" to dość przeciętny komiks, który na pewno spodoba się miłośnikom tego gatunku, jednak nie polecam go tym, którzy chcą od niego zacząć swoją przygodę z komiksem. Ja raczej na długo nie zachowam go ani w głowie, ani w sercu.

Gabriell Anderson

312 reviews18 followers

June 10, 2019

Hodně povedená akční a docela drsná komedie.
Taková krásná sonda do toho, co všechno se může pokazit, když jednoho dne zjistíte (a spolu s vámi všichni ostatní), že jste zodpovědní za nejhorší teroristický útok všech dob - takový při kterém bylo vyhlazeno několik miliard lidí na Zemi a všichni na Marsu tak přišli o někoho blízkého. A už několik let tuto událost oplakávají.
Hlavnímu hrdinovi tady tak jdou po krku, jak nájemní vrazi, tak strážci zákona a vlastně i úplně obyčejní lidé. Protože mrtvého by ho rád viděl doslova každý. O akci tady tím pádem není nouze a protože autor rád žene věci občas až do extrému, tak je ta akce i řádně zábavná.
Kresba tohle šílenství parádně podkresluje a výsledný mix je pro mě nejenom příjemných překvapením, ale zároveň jeden z těch nejlepších kousků za delší dobu. Na další díl těšingr už teď.

Mohlo by se vám líbit, pokud:
- máte rádi střelené akční věci
- si chcete oddechnout od vážných témat a životních krizí

Spíš vás zklame, pokud:
- nesnášíte jakékoliv násilí na psech (John Wick by tam z jedné scény rozhodně radost neměl)
- zběsilá akční jízda není zrovna váš šálek čaje

    comics en paperback

Julio RGuez

255 reviews1 follower

February 12, 2021

Volvemos a Marte de una sorprendente manera, con el hombre del tiempo de allí.

Muy a lo "Total Recall" tenemos a el hombre del tiempo siendo perseguido por to dios por marte por el mayor crimen posible.
Es Frenetico y gestiona bien la emoción. Y la acción también. En apenas seis capítulos ya le he cogido cariño a un par de personajes, quizás porque las pasan putas pero en fin. Los cliffhangers van bien, cada capítulo tiene uno al final y sin duda, ya quiero el segundo volumen y ver cómo sigue esto.

El dibujo me gusta, no es el más nítido del mundo ni el más claro, y le da carisma extra Alós personajes, los cuales están bien diseñados y algunos son bastantes chulos como el Marshall. En definitiva, el dibujo es uno de los puntos fuertes.



3,235 reviews34 followers

June 19, 2022

Gorey, high stakes, thriller. Skip this one if you have a soft spot regarding animal death.

There's something missing in this narrative that I think might be revealed later, but probably shouldn't have been held back. The tragedy of Earth needed more padding, Nathan needed more setup in the beginning regarding his date. If possible, more regarding his character. (Is the goofiness an act? We are kept at a distance.) And why is he a weatherman??

Otherwise, there's some fantastic panel work and the art has a traditional feel with enough modernization to be appealing to current readers. (I'm sure someone has the terminology to explain that better but oh well). I'm not super sold on this story, but, hey, if the library has the next volume, I'll take the gamble.


121 reviews3 followers

November 8, 2023

Library Read #1 3.5 stars

Iv been looking for a change recently so have decided to go to my local library and go through their graphic novel selection. Looking forward to it!
I really vibed with the art style in this one and I found the dialogue to be quippy and impactful at the ryt moments. There are a lot of time jumps that aren't clearly defined which did lead me to lose track a few times, but enjoyed this overall and am looking forward to the second volume.
In a future dystopia set on mars, 5 million people have been massacred by a dictator. When a local weather man is captured by an assassin and told he is the one who committed the genocide. He his hunted across the planet and must try to find out what happened and if he is guilty after all.

Gergő Esze

106 reviews1 follower

November 12, 2019

Epikus sci-fi akció egy elég erős dilemmával és jó néhány elég őrült adalékkal. A hozzá készített OST meg kötelező, egyszerre csavar meg és pörget fel, ahogy a könyv is.

Fátima Embark

Author7 books119 followers

February 12, 2021

Un 4,5 en realidad.



144 reviews31 followers

June 6, 2021

I loved the concept for this one! Some really interesting questions on the nature of personhood here.

However, I thought the story was let down a bit by having too many characters. I was excited to see Nathan and Amanda's relationship evolve, but their story is so constantly interrupted by new characters being introduced that they hardly got to spend any meaningful time together. The Marshal, Garren, Metal Molly, The Pearl. I would have been fine if these were all characters that Nathan and Amanda run into, but each of them got their own brief POV sections, making the story feel overpopulated and busy when I really just wanted to get back to our core duo.
This was a decent enough start to the story, but I hope future volumes really focus in on our main pair and develop them in more meaningful ways.

Also, trigger warning for animal lovers like myself who hate when the pet gets hurt: the pet gets hurt.

    comics spaceships

Douglas Beagley

852 reviews15 followers

April 10, 2021

Clever ultra-violent far-future sci-fi. As with much in the genre, the moments hinge on face-to-face combat somehow remaining relevant to the fate of humanity. This is fine.

Marek Michalak

319 reviews14 followers

July 15, 2020

The idea starts off great. And it does seem "The Fifth Element" level of crazy space fantasy fun. BUT... after six issues I never truly cared about any of the characters. The art is not that special and soetimes it was hard for me to know what's going on on the page. The writing is convoluted, at best. And the "crazy" appeal goes on to Garth Ennis level of crazy too soon and too fast for me to buy it.

The Weatherman, Vol. 1 (2024)


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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Views: 6086

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (52 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.