✅ 17 Extremely Effective Sales Channels for 2024 (2024)

Sales channels are different alternatives that can help you find and attract customers.

They represent various ways to showcase your products to potential clients and boost your sales.

Now, you might be wondering, “Which ones are currently the most effective?”

In this article, we’ll highlight the 17 best sales channels for eCommerce that are making waves right now.

Now, let’s dive in and explore these top-performing sales channels.

What are sales channels?

A sales channel serves as a method to market and sell your products.

In simple terms, it’s the platform or medium that enables you to showcase your products to your intended audience.

However, we commonly refer to sales channels in the plural form since most online stores or businesses utilize multiple channels.

After all, it’s wise not to rely solely on one channel—diversity is key! 😉

If it still seems a bit abstract, don’t worry!

We’ll break down the various types of sales channels and provide real-life examples and tips to make things much clearer.

Types of Sales Channels

✅ 17 Extremely Effective Sales Channels for 2024 (1)

There are two main types of sales channels:

  • Offline channels:

Offline sales channels are the traditional ways of buying things by going to a physical store.

Remember those times when you walked into a shop, explored the shelves, and talked to friendly store assistants?

That’s offline sales channels! It’s an immersive shopping experience where you can touch, feel, and try out products before making a purchase.

So put on your shoes, head out the door, and let offline sales channels take you on a shopping adventure!

  • Online channels:

Online sales channels allow you to buy and sell products online from your electronic device.

Instead of going to a physical store, you can use websites, apps, or social media platforms to browse and purchase things with just a few clicks.

You can shop directly from your device (like a computer, phone, or tablet), cozy up on the couch, and let online sales channels bring the shopping experience right to your screen.

17 Powerful Sales Channels to Use in Your Business

1. Physical Stores

✅ 17 Extremely Effective Sales Channels for 2024 (2)

These are the good old physical retail spots where customers can step in, explore, and make their purchases in person.


  • Physical presence allows for in-person customer interactions and personalized service.
  • Customers can try products before making a purchase.
  • Immediate gratification as customers can take products home immediately.


  • Higher overhead costs compared to online sales channels.
  • Limited geographic reach.
  • Potential competition from online retailers.

Example: Apple Store – The iconic Apple Stores provide an immersive and sleek retail experience, allowing customers to try out the latest Apple products in a modern and inviting environment.

💡 Tip: Create an inviting and immersive in-store experience by incorporating interactive displays, knowledgeable staff, and personalized recommendations to make customers feel valued and engaged.

2. eCommerce Websites

✅ 17 Extremely Effective Sales Channels for 2024 (3)

Welcome to the digital wonderland! Online platforms like Amazon, eBay, or Shopify are the go-to destinations where customers can indulge in the joy of seamless shopping from the comfort of their own screens.


  • Global reach, enabling businesses to target customers worldwide.
  • Lower overhead costs compared to brick-and-mortar stores.
  • Ability to operate 24/7, offering convenience to customers.


  • Increased competition in the online space.
  • Potential security concerns and data breaches.
  • Lack of physical interaction may impact customer trust and experience.

✅ Example: ASOS – ASOS is a popular online fashion retailer that offers a vast selection of clothing, accessories, and beauty products, providing customers with a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience on their website.

💡 Tip: Optimize your website’s search engine with Doofinder. Implement AI-powered search results, product recommendations, typo and synonym recognition, and autocomplete search suggestions into your eCommerce website to enhance customer satisfaction and increase your sales.

3. Social Media Platforms

✅ 17 Extremely Effective Sales Channels for 2024 (4)

Get ready to be a social butterfly and sell like a pro on popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. These vibrant platforms allow businesses to dazzle customers with eye-catching posts, engaging stories, and enticing offers.


  • Wide audience reach and potential for viral marketing.
  • Ability to engage with customers directly and build brand loyalty.
  • Targeted advertising options to reach specific demographics.


  • Constantly changing algorithms and platform policies.
  • Need for active management and content creation.
  • Limited control over the platform and potential for negative comments or reviews.

✅ Example: Rare Beauty – Rare Beauty, a beauty brand, has leveraged social media platforms like Instagram to create a strong online presence, showcasing their products through aesthetically pleasing visuals and engaging with customers through interactive posts and stories.

💡 Tip: Build a strong social media presence by regularly posting engaging content, responding promptly to customer inquiries and feedback, and leveraging social media advertising to expand your reach and drive sales.

4. Mobile Apps

✅ 17 Extremely Effective Sales Channels for 2024 (5)

Convenience at your fingertips! Mobile applications are the superheroes of the digital era, empowering customers to make purchases on the go.


  • Increased convenience for customers with on-the-go purchasing.
  • Access to mobile-specific features such as push notifications.
  • Ability to leverage device features like location-based marketing.


  • Need for ongoing app maintenance and updates.
  • Compatibility issues across different mobile platforms.
  • Higher competition in the app market.

✅ Example: Uber Eats – Uber Eats is a mobile app that allows users to order food from a wide range of restaurants, providing a convenient and efficient way for customers to enjoy their favorite meals delivered right to their doorstep.

💡 Tip: Streamline the mobile app experience by ensuring fast load times, intuitive navigation, and convenient payment options. Additionally, implement push notifications and personalized offers to keep customers engaged and encourage repeat purchases.

5. Marketplaces

✅ 17 Extremely Effective Sales Channels for 2024 (6)

Say hello to the ultimate shopping extravaganza! Marketplaces like Etsy or Alibaba gather a bustling community of sellers and buyers, offering a vast universe of unique products and services in one enchanting place.


  • Access to a large customer base and built-in traffic.
  • Streamlined payment and shipping processes.
  • Potential for exposure to international customers.


  • Increased competition and potential for price wars.
  • Limited control over branding and customer experience.
  • Platform fees and commissions may eat into profit margins.

✅ Example: Etsy – Etsy is an online marketplace that specializes in handmade and vintage products, connecting independent artisans and craftspeople with a global customer base, offering unique and personalized items.

💡 Tip: Differentiate your offerings on marketplaces by providing high-quality product images, detailed descriptions, competitive pricing, and excellent customer service. Encourage positive reviews and ratings to build trust and attract more customers.

6. Direct Sales

✅ 17 Extremely Effective Sales Channels for 2024 (7)

Time to put on your sales hat and dive into the world of personalized customer experiences. Direct sales let businesses forge meaningful connections with customers, bypassing intermediaries through face-to-face interactions or lively home parties.


  • Personalized customer interactions and demonstrations.
  • Potential for building long-term customer relationships.
  • Control over the entire sales process.


  • Reliance on individual sales representatives.
  • Limited scalability compared to other channels.
  • Time-consuming and resource-intensive for recruiting and training sales representatives.

✅ Example: Mary Kay – Mary Kay is a skincare and cosmetics company that utilizes direct sales through a network of independent beauty consultants who offer personalized product demonstrations and recommendations to customers.

💡 Tip: Develop strong relationships with customers through personalized interactions, active listening, and product knowledge. Offer incentives or exclusive promotions to encourage repeat purchases and referrals from satisfied customers.

7. Catalogs

✅ 17 Extremely Effective Sales Channels for 2024 (8)

Step into the world of visual delights! Catalogs, whether in print or digital form, offer a tantalizing showcase of products, inviting customers to immerse themselves in a world of choices.


  • Tangible marketing materials that can showcase products effectively.
  • Ability to reach customers who prefer offline shopping.
  • Opportunities for cross-selling and upselling through catalog inserts.


  • Printing and distribution costs for physical catalogs.
  • Limited ability to track customer engagement and preferences.
  • Less interactive and dynamic compared to online channels.

✅ Example: IKEA – IKEA produces printed and digital catalogs that showcase their furniture and home decor products, providing customers with inspiration and the ability to conveniently browse and order items for delivery.

💡 Tip: Design visually appealing catalogs that showcase your products effectively. Include clear and compelling calls to action, such as limited-time discounts or free shipping, to encourage customers to make a purchase.

8. Wholesale

✅ 17 Extremely Effective Sales Channels for 2024 (9)

Calling all retailers and distributors! Wholesale is the playground for bulk buyers, providing them with cost-saving opportunities and the chance to stock up on products in large quantities.


  • Higher volume sales and potential for bulk orders.
  • Streamlined distribution process through retailers or distributors.
  • Greater control over pricing and margins.


  • Reliance on intermediaries for reaching end customers.
  • Need to meet minimum order quantities and fulfill larger quantities.
  • Potential for increased competition and price negotiations.

✅ Example: Costco – Costco is a wholesale retailer that sells products in bulk to members, providing them with cost savings and a wide range of products, catering to both individual and business customers.

💡 Tip: Establish mutually beneficial partnerships with retailers or distributors by offering competitive pricing, providing marketing support, and ensuring consistent product availability and timely delivery.

9. Telemarketing

✅ 17 Extremely Effective Sales Channels for 2024 (10)

Get ready to dial up some sales magic! Telemarketing brings the power of personal connection right to customers’ phones, creating opportunities for tailored conversations and persuasive pitches.


  • Personalized customer interactions and direct communication.
  • Immediate feedback and opportunity for overcoming objections.
  • Ability to target specific customer segments effectively.


  • Negative perception due to the potential for unsolicited calls.
  • Do-not-call regulations and compliance requirements.
  • Challenges in reaching decision-makers and getting past gatekeepers.

Example: Comcast – Comcast, a telecommunications company, utilizes telemarketing to reach potential customers, offering them phone and internet plans through personalized phone calls, showcasing their services, and addressing customer needs.

💡 Tip: Train your telemarketing team to be persuasive, empathetic, and well-informed about your products or services. Use customer data and insights to personalize your approach and focus on addressing customer needs and pain points.

10. Affiliate Marketing

✅ 17 Extremely Effective Sales Channels for 2024 (11)

Team up with influential allies in the digital realm! Affiliate marketing unleashes the power of partnerships, as affiliates promote products or services and earn commissions for each successful sale they drive.


  • Access to a wider audience through affiliate networks.
  • Pay-for-performance model, with commissions tied to actual sales.
  • Opportunity for brand exposure and credibility through affiliates.


  • Need for ongoing management and monitoring of affiliate relationships.
  • Potential for improper affiliate practices or misrepresentation.
  • Lower control over the affiliate’s marketing strategies and messaging.

Example: Amazon Associates – Amazon Associates is an affiliate marketing program that allows website owners and influencers to promote Amazon products and earn a commission for each sale generated through their referral links.

💡 Tip: Nurture relationships with affiliates by providing them with marketing materials, tracking tools, and attractive commission structures. Regularly communicate and collaborate to optimize their promotional efforts and align with your brand messaging.

11. Multi-level Marketing (MLM)

✅ 17 Extremely Effective Sales Channels for 2024 (12)

Prepare for a sales journey like no other! In the realm of multi-level marketing, individuals earn commissions not only from their own sales but also from the sales made by the talented recruits they bring on board.


  • Potential for exponential growth through the recruitment of downline members.
  • Motivated salesforce with incentives tied to team performance.
  • Strong community support and training programs.


  • Controversial reputation and association with pyramid schemes.
  • Legal and regulatory considerations regarding compensation structure.
  • Reliance on recruitment efforts and potential saturation of the market.

Example: Herbalife – Herbalife is a wellness company that utilizes a multi-level marketing sales model, where independent distributors earn commissions not only from their own sales but also from the sales made by the distributors they recruit.

💡 Tip: Foster a supportive and collaborative MLM network by providing comprehensive training, regular communication, and recognition for achievements. Encourage teamwork and mentorship to help new recruits succeed.

12. Pop-up Shops

✅ 17 Extremely Effective Sales Channels for 2024 (13)

Blink, and they’re gone! Pop-up shops are the short-lived wonders of the retail world, springing to life for a brief period of time to generate sales and create a buzz around a brand.


  • Generates a sense of urgency and exclusivity.
  • Opportunity for in-person engagement and brand experience.
  • Testing new markets or gauging customer interest before permanent establishment.


  • Limited duration and potential for low foot traffic.
  • Additional costs for setting up and dismantling the pop-up shop.
  • Difficulty in building long-term customer relationships.

Example: Glossier – Glossier, in addition to their online presence, frequently sets up pop-up shops in various locations, creating temporary retail spaces where customers can experience their products firsthand and engage with the brand.

💡 Tip: Create a sense of urgency and exclusivity with limited-edition products, exclusive discounts, or unique experiences available only at your pop-up shop. Promote the event through social media and local advertising to generate excitement and attract foot traffic.

13. Trade Shows and Exhibitions

✅ 17 Extremely Effective Sales Channels for 2024 (14)

Get ready for the grand showcase! Trade shows and conferences bring companies and their products or services under the spotlight, captivating potential customers and business partners alike.


  • Direct access to a targeted audience of industry professionals and potential customers.
  • Opportunities for product demonstrations and face-to-face interactions.
  • Networking and partnership possibilities with other businesses.


  • Costs associated with booth rental, travel, and logistics.
  • Intense competition and crowded exhibition halls.
  • Challenges in standing out among numerous exhibitors.

Example: Shoptalk – Shoptalk is a prominent retail and eCommerce trade show that brings together industry leaders and innovators to discuss the latest trends, technologies, and strategies that are shaping the future of retail.

💡 Tip: Plan your trade show presence strategically by showcasing your most innovative and captivating products or services. Engage with attendees through demonstrations, interactive displays, and networking to generate leads and establish valuable connections.

14. Business-to-Business (B2B) Sales

✅ 17 Extremely Effective Sales Channels for 2024 (15)

It’s time to make business happen! B2B sales revolve around selling products or services directly to other businesses, unlocking a world of possibilities beyond the individual consumer market.


  • Higher order volumes and potential for long-term contracts.
  • Ability to tailor offerings to specific business needs.
  • Potential for recurring business and customer loyalty.


  • Longer sales cycles and decision-making processes.
  • Need for specialized sales teams with B2B expertise.
  • Dependence on the overall health of the business sector.

Example: Salesforce – Salesforce is a software company that provides customer relationship management (CRM) solutions to businesses, offering tailored products and services directly to other businesses to help streamline their sales and customer management processes.

💡 Tip: Understand your B2B customers’ unique needs and pain points, and tailor your offerings and solutions to address them effectively. Foster long-term partnerships by delivering exceptional value, reliable customer support, and a deep understanding of their business.

15. Subscription Services

✅ 17 Extremely Effective Sales Channels for 2024 (16)

Treat yourself to recurring delights! Subscription services offer customers the pleasure of ongoing access to products or services, whether it’s binge-worthy streaming platforms or carefully curated monthly subscription boxes.


  • Predictable and recurring revenue stream.
  • Opportunity for upselling and cross-selling to existing subscribers.
  • Potential for building a loyal customer base.


  • Constant need for delivering value to retain subscribers.
  • Potential for churn if customers perceive a lack of value.
  • Initial investment in infrastructure and logistics for subscription management.

Example: Netflix – Netflix is a streaming platform that offers subscription-based access to a wide range of movies and TV shows, providing subscribers with unlimited entertainment on-demand.

💡 Tip: Continuously deliver value and exceed subscriber expectations by curating high-quality products or services, personalizing recommendations, and offering flexible subscription options. Encourage retention through loyalty programs and exclusive perks for long-term subscribers.

16. Tele-sales

✅ 17 Extremely Effective Sales Channels for 2024 (17)

Get ready for a sales adventure from the comfort of anywhere! Tele-sales, also known as inside sales or remote sales, harness the power of phone calls, video conferencing, and other remote communication methods to connect with potential customers and make sales.


  • Reach a wider customer base regardless of geographical location.
  • Cost-effective compared to in-person sales visits.
  • Ability to leverage technology for personalized virtual presentations.


  • Challenges in building trust and rapport through remote communication.
  • Reliance on effective phone or video selling skills.
  • Potential for technical issues during remote sales interactions.

Example: Zoom – Zoom is a video conferencing platform that enables businesses to conduct tele-sales and remote sales presentations, allowing sales representatives to connect with potential clients across different geographical locations through virtual meetings.

💡 Tip: Leverage technology to enhance remote sales interactions, such as video conferencing, screen sharing, and product demos. Personalize your approach, actively listen to customer needs, and provide detailed information to build trust and close sales remotely.

17. Distributors

✅ 17 Extremely Effective Sales Channels for 2024 (18)

Unlock the gateways to a broader market! Distributors, the superheroes of the supply chain, bridge the gap between manufacturers or wholesalers and retailers or end customers. They weave their distribution networks and retail relationships, making it easier for manufacturers to reach customers far and wide.


  • Access to established distribution networks and retail relationships.
  • Expanded geographic reach without the need for direct sales efforts.
  • Streamlined logistics and order fulfillment through intermediaries.


  • Reduced control over pricing and branding at the retail level.
  • Need to maintain strong relationships with distributors.
  • Potential for channel conflicts if multiple distributors operate in the same region.

Example: Coca-Cola – Coca-Cola works with a network of distributors to ensure their beverages reach a wide range of retailers and end customers, leveraging established distribution networks to expand their market reach and availability.

💡 Tip: Collaborate closely with distributors by offering comprehensive product training, marketing support, and incentives to ensure they actively promote your products. Maintain open communication channels and regularly assess performance to strengthen the partnership.

Crafting a Multi-Channel Sales Strategy

✅ 17 Extremely Effective Sales Channels for 2024 (19)

Creating a sales strategy that spans multiple channels is like assembling a dynamic team of superheroes, ready to conquer the sales universe.

It’s essential to establish a seamless and cohesive customer experience across all touchpoints.

  • Know Your Audience: Start by getting to know your target audience and their preferred ways of engaging with businesses. Whether they prefer visiting physical stores, shopping online, or interacting on social media, understanding their preferences will guide your strategic decisions.
  • Have a Consistent Brand Story: Tell your brand story consistently across all channels to create a unified and memorable experience for customers. Ensure that your messaging resonates with them at every touchpoint, reinforcing your brand values and building trust.
  • Leverage Channel Strengths: Take advantage of the unique strengths of each channel. Customize your approach to deliver personalized experiences through direct sales or leverage the broad reach of online marketplaces to expand your customer base.
  • Embrace Technology: Embrace the latest technology to streamline operations and track customer interactions across channels. Leverage advanced analytics and customer data to gain valuable insights, enabling you to make informed, data-driven decisions that optimize your sales strategy.
  • Stay Agile: Keep a proactive and adaptable mindset in today’s fast-paced business environment. Stay on top of industry trends, be open to emerging channels, and adjust your strategy accordingly to outpace your competitors.

Figure out which sales channels work best for you

The truth is, we’re moving towards omnichannel marketing. This means that brands must ensure a great user experience across every channel.

If your business has just launched, there’s no need to panic.

The best approach, for now, is to effectively work with one or two channels.

However, if you own a large business, it’s important to check if your channels are well-coordinated and complement each other.

Now that you’re aware of the main sales channels available, there’s just one thing left to do – start selling! 😉

✅ 17 Extremely Effective Sales Channels for 2024 (20)

FREE EBOOK Growth Hacking for eCommerce


✅ 17 Extremely Effective Sales Channels for 2024 (2024)


✅ 17 Extremely Effective Sales Channels for 2024? ›

Modern marketplaces

This includes social media channels like Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and Pinterest. Increasingly, it also covers streaming sites like Spotify. One of the reasons modern marketplaces are so successful as online sales channels is that buyers are already spending time there.

What is the most effective sales channel? ›

Modern marketplaces

This includes social media channels like Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and Pinterest. Increasingly, it also covers streaming sites like Spotify. One of the reasons modern marketplaces are so successful as online sales channels is that buyers are already spending time there.

What are the four types of sales channels? ›

4 Types of Sales Channels
  • Retail. Overview. When businesses sell products directly to their end customers for a profit, either in-store, online or by phone. ...
  • Wholesale. Overview. ...
  • Direct-to-Consumer. Overview. ...
  • B2B. Overview.

What are sales channels on Shopify? ›

You can use Shopify to sell your products on different online sales channels. Sales channels represent the different platforms where you sell your products. By connecting each sales channel to Shopify, you can keep track of your products, orders, and customers in one place.

How to find sales channels? ›

15 examples of common sales channels
  1. Personal selling. Personal selling is when a company sells products and services directly to the consumer through a company's storefront or an e-commerce site. ...
  2. Sales agents. ...
  3. General marketplace. ...
  4. Auction marketplace. ...
  5. Crafts marketplace. ...
  6. Niche marketplace. ...
  7. On-demand marketplace. ...
  8. Resellers.
Aug 15, 2024

Which top 3 channels would you recommend for future promotion? ›

The channels you should use to promote your new product launch depend on your target audience and industry but may include a combination of social media platforms, email marketing, influencer collaborations, content marketing, public relations, paid advertising, and a well-optimized company website to maximize reach ...

What is the number 1 direct selling business? ›

2Natura &CoBrazil
3Herbalife NutritionUSA
4eXp RealtyUSA
54 more rows

What is a sales channel? ›

Sales channels are the places you offer your products or services to reach your customers. They can be direct, such as your website or marketplace, or indirect, such as distributors and affiliates. Depending on your business model, some organizations choose to do business over a single sales channel.

How to select a sales channel? ›

How to choose the right sales channel for your business?
  1. Think about what you're selling when picking a sales channel. ...
  2. Try direct sales for one-on-one selling. ...
  3. Look at what similar businesses do for their sales strategies. ...
  4. Find out where your customers like to shop. ...
  5. Check how much each sales channel will cost.
Nov 6, 2023

How to make a sales channel? ›

Building a channel sales program
  1. Step 1: Finding the right partners. Finding a channel partner involves a lot of the same qualifiers as lead gathering. ...
  2. Step 2: Connecting with partners. Sales channel benefits go both ways. ...
  3. Step 3: Recruitment. ...
  4. Step 4: Onboarding.
May 31, 2023

What is a direct sales channel strategy? ›

A direct sales or distribution channel involves selling directly to a customer. When you charge them, it is your company name on their credit card statement or on the invoice they are paying. There are no third-party intermediaries involved in that process.

What are B2B sales channels? ›

A: B2B marketing channels are the various platforms and methods used by businesses to promote their products or services to other businesses. These can include owned media (websites, blogs), earned media (public relations, guest posts), paid media (advertising, sponsored content), and social media platforms.

Which is the most effective marketing channel? ›

To recap, here are our top recommended marketing channels for small businesses:
  • Local SEO.
  • Local listings and online reputation management.
  • Organic social media marketing.
  • Word-of-mouth marketing.
  • Networking and partnerships.
  • Event marketing.
  • Social media advertising.
  • Search advertising.
Mar 15, 2024

Which platform is best for sales? ›

Shopify. Shopify is one of the best online selling platforms, as it is very easy to create a store on this platform. Anyone with zero technical knowledge can also run a store on Shopify. It comprises millions of businesses, and the highlighting part is that the prices are reasonable.

What is the most effective distribution channel? ›

Eight effective distribution channels
  1. Direct sales. Companies can sell products and services directly to customers through their own stores, websites or merchant marketplaces. ...
  2. Retailer. ...
  3. Independent distributor. ...
  4. Reseller. ...
  5. Wholesaler. ...
  6. Intensive distribution. ...
  7. Exclusive distribution. ...
  8. Selective distribution.
Mar 10, 2023

What is the best channel strategy? ›

A good channel strategy should have the following elements:
  • A clearly defined target market (including preferences and demographics)
  • Identified channels to reach that audience.
  • Defined ad spend budget, per channel.
  • What tactics you'll use to implement the plan (such as promotions or targeted display ads)
Feb 7, 2023


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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.